Knight Masons

Royal Arch

What is the Chivalric Order of Knight Masons?

Knight Masonry is a chivalric fraternal Masonic Order that confers three degrees of high symbolic, philosophical, and moral value. These Masonic Degrees continue the story of the Temple in Jerusalem and, in an Irish context, complete the Masonic Legend of the Temple.

The Order of Knight Masons is the next Body open to you when you have served time as a Royal Arch Mason. Its units are called ‘Councils of Knight Masons’ and, in its existing form, it is unique to Ireland (which is why the ruling body is ‘The Grand Council of Knight Masons’ without the addition ‘of Ireland’). In several countries, related bodies exist with some formal communication, but generally not to the extent of permitting inter-visitation. The Council is sometimes referred to as ‘the Green’.

The Degrees in Knight Masonry are:

  • The Red Cross of Daniel or The Babylonian Pass, is referred to as Knight of the Sword.
  • The Jordan Pass is referred to as Knight of the East.
  • The Royal Order is referred to as Knight of the East and West.
  • The Degree of Installed Excellent Chief is conferred for a Sir Knight elected to preside over a Council.

While the subject matter of these degrees can be found within various Masonic Orders around the World, only in the Irish working under the Grand Council of Knight Masons are they communicated in the most detail and in their complete and correct form.

Within this region, there are currently two (02) Councils of Knight Masons:

83 – Worton Council

114 – G. Trevor Jones Council