Royal Arch

Knight Masons

What is the Royal arch?

The short answer is that it is the completion of the symbolic story of Craft Masonry.

Royal Arch Masonry is the logical step for every serious-minded Master Mason seeking to complete his Masonic education, and we would desire all such to receive that light which can only be communicated in a Royal Arch Chapter.

Membership of this Order is open to Master Masons who have served a stated period in the Lodge, usually one year as a Master Mason. This Branch is often called ‘the Red’, and its units are called Royal Arch Chapters. It, too, has its equivalent to the Grand Lodge, known as The Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland, as well as its District (as opposed to Provincial) Grand Chapters.

In reference to the question ‘What is the Royal Arch?’ a simple explanation is that it is the sequel and completion of the legendary story of Craft Masonry, thus emphasizing the point that ‘Pure Ancient Masonry consists of the three Degrees and no more viz. – The Entered Apprentice, the Fellow-Craft, the Master Mason, but the Degrees of Royal Arch and Mark Master Mason shall also be recognized so long as the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland shall work only those two Degrees in the form in which they are worked at the passing of this Law’. Royal Arch Masonry, therefore, provides the scope for completing the education of a Brother of the Craft.

The Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland governs Royal Arch Masons and Mark Master Masons in Ireland and overseas. Lodges confer the Mark Master Mason degree, while Royal Arch Chapters confer the Royal Arch degree.

Within the Province, there are currently three (03) Royal Arch Chapters:

390 – Amity

889 – Malone

898 – St James